Drawing the Happy Couple…and Their Guests! Caricatures at a Wedding Reception on 9/15/2018

SketchFaces was asked by couple, Lauren and Ryan, to draw caricatures at their wedding reception in Washington DC last September. The venue, Union Stage, had a casual, artistic vibe, and the bride and groom thought caricatures would make a good fit. They also requested a caricature drawn of them, and their son, from photos in advance. The artists arrived with the watercolor caricature drawn by Mark, which displayed on an easel at the entrance to the reception.

Laura and Mark drew on the stage from around 7pm-10pm, busy the whole time. Everyone is so happy at weddings! And its so interesting to meet their families.

One of the bridesmaids and her husband display their caricature.
Mark about to start drawing at the venue, Union Stage.

Here’s Laura drawing one of the couples.

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